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The Importance of Teamwork

Date: Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Time: 8:00AM – 5:00PM

Location: The Century House, Latham, New York





Breakfast – a full, warm breakfast will be served, so bring your appetite! Coffee, drinks, and snacks will be available throughout the day


Session 3a: Teamwork

In sessions 1 and 2 we explored self-leadership. In session3 we will begin our examination of leading others. We will begin by exploring what makes a high performing team.


Lunch - a buffet-style lunch will be provided by the Century House


Session 3b: Leadership Personality

Invited Presenter: Denyse Burns

Founder, Madison-Burns & Associates

More about our invited presenter:

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Denyse Burns

Denyse Burns is the founder of Madison-Burns & Associates, a New York and Toronto firm specializing in executive coaching, communication consulting and training. With over 25 years of experience in business consulting, executive coaching, training, program development and sales, Denyse has worked with audiences ranging from Fortune 500 vice presidents and CEOs to middle managers and salespeople. The industries she has served include: financial services, utilities, information technology, telecommunications, consumer goods and transportation.

Post Session Three

Please click on photographs to enlarge

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Executive coach and trainer Denyse Burns led us in discussion on how to enhance team performance.  We assessed our team strengths and weaknesses and developed strategies for leveraging our strengths and overcoming our weaknesses. We also discussed ‘rules of engagement’ for our team – guidelines for how our team should work together to enhance performance. It was clear that the same skills we use when working with individuals who have experienced trauma (e.g., being fully present, looking at the situation from their perspective) can be just as valuable when working with our own team members. For future sessions, we hope that the insights gained here will allow every member of the Institute to become more effective in managing teams and organizations to deliver services in their communities, particularly to those members who have experienced trauma.

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Important Covid Note:

We are requiring all participants to be fully vaccinated or to wear masks for all sessions. Masking may be required as Covid infection rates warrant it. Please bring a copy of your vaccination card to these events to show during registration.

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515 Loudon Road,  

Loudonville, NY  


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