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The Importance of Strategic Thinking

Date: Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Time: 8:00AM – 5:00PM

Location: The Century House, Latham, New York





Breakfast – a full, warm breakfast will be served, so bring your appetite! Coffee, drinks, and snacks will be available throughout the day


Session 6a: The ABC’s of Real Properties and Parish Buildings & Grounds


Lunch - a buffet-style lunch will be provided by the Century House


Session 6c: Strategic Thinking

Invited Presenter: Tim Jaques

Founder and CEO, Teaming Worldwide

Invited Presenter: Pamela Hassett

Principal and Chief Coaching Officer for DnP Solutions


Session 6b: Strategic Thinking

In order to lead, we must think strategically about the most important factors impacting our organization. The session will explore the difference between “operational” thinking that focuses on what’s happening now and “strategic” thinking that focuses on our long-term success.

Invited Presenter: Tim Jaques 

Founder and CEO, Teaming Worldwide


Session 6d: Emotional Intelligence Part II

Invited Presenter: Tracy Solarek  

Founder and Chief Inspirer Optymum Potential


Session 6e: Final Thoughts on the Institute for Pastoral Leaders

More about our invited presenter:

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Pamela Hassett

Pamela (Pam) Hassett is Principal and Chief Coaching Officer of DnP Solutions. Pam has over 20 years’ experience launching, growing, and selling businesses. With a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) with a finance concentration, she began her journey as a financial advisor before co-founding and significantly growing a medical facility with her husband, Stephen. Having worked in small and private to large and corporate environments, Pam has been led to her ultimate purpose of coaching individuals and businesses to reach new heights. Pam is married to Dr. Stephen Hassett and has 4 children.


Tim Jaques

Tim Jaques has spent his career driving change in organizations and individuals. Tim is a celebrated facilitator and trainer, having developed global-level professional development programs. Tim is a certified Project Management Professional (PMI), Scrum Master (Scrum Study), and Organizational Change Practitioner (Prosci). Teaming Worldwide is dedicated to harnessing the power of individuals and teams through engaging professional development programs.

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Tracy Solarek

Tracy Solarek helps leaders achieve their full potential and business and civic  organizations achieve their goals. A solutions-oriented professional, she is certified in Emotional Intelligence® and 360®. In 2021, Tracy joined the Dale Carnegie Team as a producer and is a Trainer Candidate. Tracy is an engaging presenter and has been invited to speak at several events on the topic of Emotional Intelligence. Previously Tracy worked as a marketing executive with government, non-profit and corporations of all sizes. She is a lifelong Catholic and a part of pastoral council and music ministry at Corpus Christi in Round Lake, NY. You can learn more about Tracy by visiting

Post Session Six

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Pamela Hassett, Principal and Chief Coaching Officer for DnP Solutions, shared information on the importance of Parish Properties. Tim Jaques, Founder and CEO of Teaming Worldwide, then explored some of the challenges and benefits with thinking strategically. Tim walked the group through a number of exercises developed to allow participants to capture specific activities in which they engage, explore the importance and urgency of those activities, and then carve out time to focus on the most important activities (the “big rocks”). Finally, Tracy Solarek, Founder and Chief Inspirer of Optymum Potential, shared the results of our second Emotional Intelligence assessment. Results demonstrated that the average Emotional Intelligence score increased substantially over the past six months of the Institute for Pastoral Leaders. This underscores our belief that a trauma informed perspective is a critical component to becoming a strong leader, and we hope that the insights gained here will be valuable as you lead others in your Parish, School, and Community.

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Important Covid Note:

We are requiring all participants to be fully vaccinated or to wear masks for all sessions. Masking may be required as Covid infection rates warrant it. Please bring a copy of your vaccination card to these events to show during registration.

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Loudonville, NY  


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